19th And 20th Century American Imperialism Essay

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World Civilization 234 One of the problems capitalist modernity has in the nineteenth and twentieth century was the exploitation of the industrialization. Beginning with the mind set of the scientist... “The industrial revolution would also have been impossible without two guiding ideas of the scientist: that humans were separated from nature and that they control this separate natural world.” It was this mindset that birth overconfident capitalist. The dawn of the machine manifest and idea into reality. Harnessing the energy of the earth put forth mass productivity and economic profits. Rilley states “it was because of certain traits in private capitalism that the machine which was a neutral agent has often seemed, and in fact has some time been a malicious element in society, carless of human life, indifferent to human interest. The machine has suffered of the sins of capitalism; contrariwise capitalism has often credit for the virtues of the machine.” Their desire to keep the machine running led to mass resource and atmospheric pollution. Mumford states ‘Capitalism is ideally a system of private enterprise, control, and profit, whereas ecology is ideally a public concern.” The lack of concern the capitalist had for…show more content…
The civil war was fought between the Union and the southern slave states. The expanding industry fueled by modern capitalism depended on the wage labor system . Slavery in the south would have to stop in order to continue the wage move down the eastern sea coast. The need for a wage labor would liberate the African American from the bondage of slavery. Southern slave owners naturally were against the wage work. Slavery was always apart of their lives. Slavery meant agriculture, honer and the tradition and values of past generation of planters. Wage labor meant free labor, free men, free land, free opportunity, progress and
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