Morality of Slavery

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The Morality of Slavery The term morality has came up throughout history on various occations. It is the cornerstone for a lot of issues throughout history, but it has also helped resolve many. The term morality can be best associated with the right and wrong. Morality is a system of ideas that defines conduct done by a person as morally right or morally wrong. It is a complex term that is misinterpreted and avoided by many people throughout the course of history. Morality is an idea, a belief. It is not something that can be forced on people just because they have different views and opinions on it. Morality has only two possible outcomes. A decision or conduct is either morally right or morally wrong. This limits the possibility to manipulate with the concept of morality and with the opinion of the people on morality. Everyone has a different concept and belief on morality. This is because people are so different from each other. This also depends on what kind of person you are. For example, a person that thinks only for himself and his personal interests is going to set his moral values lower and is more prone to commit acts that are morally wrong than a person who helps others in need. History has shown us that sometimes different people with different beliefs on morality can’t get along with each other. This is the case of the antislavery movement in the US. The issue was regarding slavery and it was between the North and South. The North, being industrialized and well developed, saw no need for slavery and believed that it is morally wrong to own slaves. They pushed for a movement to end slavery in the United States. The South, on the contrary, was mostly rural and unindustrialized. The people needed slaves to work on their plantations and fiercly opposed the antislavery movement. They believed that the North does not have the right to judge the Southern
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