Student Diversity in Classrooms

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DIFFERENTIATING THE CURRICULUM In schools, assisting youngsters with disabilities is a complex task. Most importantly, it has been found that students with disabilities need the teacher’s considerable encouragement. The main effort is not to identify such students, but rather to develop and try general curriculum strategies to assist them in learning as needed. DISABILITY STANDARDS: Disability Standards ( formulated under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992) were tabled in parliament on 17 March 2008 and came into effect in August 2005. What do the standards focus on? The fundamental principle of the standards is to clarify the obligations of education and training providers ensuring that students with disabilities are able to access same rights in education without discrimination and are treated with dignity. UNICEF 2007 promotes the rights of students with disabilities. The document spells out the services the person or a child in education or society would receive. It emphasizes upon enjoying the benefits of education and training in a supportive environment which values and encourages participation by all students, irrespective of disabilities. Eddie Bragget(1997) defines curriculum differentiation as “a set of planned learning experiences that are designed to meet the specific needs of learners.” ( Bragget, EJ, A & Minchin, M 1997) The purpose of differentiating the curriculum is to provide appropriate learning opportunities for the students with disabilities. It includes recognizing through a strategic planning, the responsibility to value the diversity and enable all to perform at their best. So, the curriculum and teaching methods should be able to adjust and accommodate students with all abilities. “ By keying teaching and assessment techniques to the diverse ways people think and learn, teachers will be surprised
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