Stefan's Story

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Which clue would tell Stefan which scapula surface was anterior and which was posterior? What is the name of the shallow, oval socket of the humerous? A ridge called the spine is runs diagonally across the posterior surface of the scapula. Inferior to the acromion is a shallow depression. This is called the gleniod cavity. It articulates with the humerous. On the anterior surface there is a hollowed-out are called the subscapula fossa. This is where the shoulder muscle attaches to. 1. Which Bone is Stefan referring to as the “Collarbone”? The clavicle 2. Which surface markings could Stefan use to distinguish the right humerous from the left? Stefan held the bone so that the capitulum and trochlea faced him which indicated it was the anterior humerous bone. 3. Why would Stefan think that an enlarged deltoid tuberosity might indicate right-handedness. Because, the deltoid tuberous would be much larger on the dominant side due to using it more often than the left. 4. What is the location of the pubic symphysis Stefan refers to in his story? The pubic symphysis is a midline or secondary cartilaginous joint located between the left and right pubic bones of the median plane. 5. Which adaptation would have taken place in the pubic symphysis of the female skeleton during the later stages of her pregnancy in preparation for the birthing process. The pubis symphysis would have defined, discrete lesions that occur from the pulling of the cartilage of the pubic symphysis during child birth. 6. What clues could Stefan have used to identify the gender of the pelvis. The female pelvis is wider and shallower than the male’s. Women have more true pelvic space than a male to accommodate a pregnancy. The female pelvis is >90 degrees and the male pelvis is < 90 degrees. 7. How would Stefan have distinguished between the right and the left hip bones? To

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