St. Christina The Astonishing Research Paper

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About St. Christina the Astonishing About St. Christina the Astonishing St Christina the Astonishing was born in Belgium in 1150. She was born into a poor family and continued to live poorly all of her life, although it was by choice. When she was 21 she had a severe seizure and was assumed dead because of its extremity. During her funeral mass, she suddenly awoke and levitated the roof of the church. She was ordered down by the priest and landed on the alter. She then proclaimed that she had been through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. And having seen their suffering and being asked to return and help relieve their suffering so they could go to heaven, she returned to life. Her goal in life was now to help the souls in Purgatory and Hell by making penances for them. She renounced all comforts of life such as a house, good clothing, food, and warmth. She would roll in fire and handle it without harm, she would stand in freezing cold water for hours, and she would let herself be whipped around by a water mill, all without sustaining any injury herself. She would also be given into “ecstasies” in which she would lead recently dead souls to Purgatory and souls in Purgatory to Heaven. People didn’t know what to think about her. She was a holy woman and followed God’s will, yet she seemed…show more content…
Christina the Astonishing, help guide me in my path to Heaven. Help me to make the right choices. Help me do the right thing and guide others into doing the right thing also. Guide me in a selfless life and show me how to find compassion for those in need. Show me how to do the little things and the right things so that I can lead others in my example to the glory of God in Heaven. Steer me to be able to deflect the negative attitudes and opinions of me and my faith so that I will only focus on what is important. Help me to improve myself in the image of love and compassion towards others and live selflessly the way that you do. Help me to but God and others before myself.

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