Solitary Confinement Effects

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Some believed that to be permanently isolated from human contact is to be sentenced to the punishment of living death (Gomez, 2006). Although maybe extreme, this description is not far from the lives of many inmates housed in solitary confinement all over the world. With little or no contact with other humans, the prisoners are forced to live days and even up to 20 years without interaction or external stimuli in their environment. As humans are social creatures (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008), this lack of stimuli often has negative psychological consequences (Louw & O’Brien, 2007) including suicide, depression, chronophobia and Ganser syndrome. These negative psychological effects are the result of lack of human interaction and external stimuli. Humans are natural social creatures that can barely survive in social isolation (Baumeister & Bushman, 2008).Solitary confinement should be ended for the psychological, social, and physical effects it has on the inmate. Solitary confinement is a form of imprisonment where an prisoner is denied contact with other…show more content…
Opponents of solitary confinement claim that it is a form of cruel and unusual punishment because of the lack of human contact and sensory deprivation which has a severe negative impact on a prisoner's mental state that leads to certain mental illnesses as depression.Delusions, panic, dissatisfaction with life and madness are all psychological side effects of solitary confinement and all of these are in the definition of chronophobia which is the duration or immensity of time, a state which is also referred to as prison neurosis. It is a fear of time and not being able to contain its proliferation (Meyer 2006). There are many psychological effects such as
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