Social Stratification Essay

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What is the social stratification? What are the forms of stratification? Social stratification is the inequalities which exist between individuals and groups within human societies. Individuals' assets, properties or other features such as gender, age, religion might be effective on these inequalities. The forms of social stratification are slavery, caste, estate and class. Slavery includes the ownership of some persons by others. Caste is a social system in which one's social status is given for life. Estate is similar to Europan Feudalism and it also appears many traditional civilizations. Class involves the large set of people who share common economic resources. Social stratification systems differ in terms of social mobilty. Social mobility is the movement of a person from one status to another. For example, in class system, individuals can change their status whereas in estate system, individuals don't have a right to change their status. According to the documentary of 16 Tons, from past to present, İndividuals who have more power, money and weapon have dominance over others. They use other individuals who have less power than themselves in order to achieve their aims. Their aims might be to have more power, more money or more weapons. They don't abstain from killing and oppressing to meet their demands. This power relations between individuals cause their having different status in society. Class stratification arises from this differences in individuals' status. The documentary of 16 Tons mentions miners who have difficult working conditions and their employers. İf we consider in terms of marxism, miners and their employers have different classes. Employers' class is bourgeoisie. It is more powerful than miners' class. It has the means of production, so employers have control over miners an they exploit miners' labour. Miners' class is working class,
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