Social Care Values

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Exploring Care Values Assignment Helen Prior By Kayleigh Font Introduction What Are Values In Care In Health and Social Care values are ideas that have to be maintained in many ways. They are in place to improve an individual’s life, and it helps and supports their rights also values tend to influence the attitudes and behaviours of people. What Equality is Equality is about giving people equal opportunities of choice in ways that meet all of their requirements and treating them fairly. An example of equality is if a caregiver knows that a patient in their care is Muslim and from reading their care plan and communicating with the patients relatives they would find that the patient cannot eat anything that is pork as it is against…show more content…
They can also be used as a basis for measuring quality of care, so provided the quality is good enough, both can be protected against unfair claims. Enforcing non-discriminatory practices and employer and employee responsibilities: both the employer and employee know their responsibilities as the guidelines make it clear what is expected of both of them. Helping avoid litigation and deregistration: carers want to avoid being sued or their institutions ahving their licence removed because for example, they are not providing the required quality of care. The guidelines can be used as a basis for measuring the quality of care prived. Safeguarding: by having clear guidelines which support non-discriminatory practice, both carers and service users are safeguarded against possible injury or abuse. For example, safeguarding policies in schools and colleges protect children and young people under the age of 18 and provide guidance for all staff who may have any concerns of this…show more content…
It is usually more common in people over the age of 50, however younger people can get it too. It is caused by Nerve cells in the brain that die which means that there is a lack of a chemical called Dopamine being produced. This chemical helps to regualte movement so if there is not enough of it movement becomes slower. Some people with this disease also develop a tremor or their muscles become rigid. There are other systomes of this disease which includes tiredness, pain depression and constipation. However Parkinson's Disease affects people differently and some people are able to have a good quality of life for a long time. Men are slightly more likely to develop Parkinson's Disease than women. There are no agreed tests available so it is difficult to diagnose this
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