Anti Discrimination Essay

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Unit 2 P5 Developing an anti-discriminatory approach to care practice. The best way to promote equal opportunities is through non-discriminatory practices. This means developing ways of working that: “recognise the needs of people from diverse backgrounds including those who come from minority religious and culture groups, actively challenge the unfair discrimination that people experience and counteract the effects that unfair discrimination has already had on people” Responding to unfair discrimination in care Question their own assumptions and be prepared to change their ideas and views about people, viewing people's physical, social and culture differences as a positive and interesting feature of care work rather than something that is problematic, becoming familiar with polices and procedures of the care organisations in which they work in, not judging people, adopt the view that people are all different but equal value, this is regardless of their mental, cultural and physical characteristics, being self ware and within reason and self-critical and continue developing their self and reflecting on their ideas on quality. Personal beliefs and value systems Some care practitioners feel that they should not impose their own personal beliefs and value systems, even if they believe in equality, on service users and work colleagues. Many care practitioners may also think that prejudice and unfair discrimination is not their responsibility to deal with. “However, acceptance, consideration for others and equality of opportunity are superior values to prejudice and unfair discrimination and they should prevail.” Care practitioners shouldn't be silent or passive when it comes to prejudice or unfair discrimination occurs. “Failing to act could be seen as supporting the unequal and unacceptable treatment of an individual or group of people.” Having
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