Skrzyneck Clark Analysis

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BELONGING HOMEWORK (which you were supposed to complete in the holidays!!!) Writing task: Write a story which explores aspects of Belonging. In your story you should convey different aspects of Belonging / not Belonging (group, family, person, place, relationships etc) to convey to the marker that you have a more sophisticated understanding of the topic. Please remember to create setting, mood and character. You have a number of choices through the language choices you make e.g., whether you use first or third person, the use of dialogue, description used (remember that verbs are often more important than adjectives!!) . In terms of your structure, it can be linear (moves chronologically from point A to C) or you can use flashbacks…show more content…
. . yes, feel free to do more. Remember though, that you will need to be able to replicate this under exam conditions and in 40 mins. Use the scaffold below to assist you when it comes to your extended response. IntroductionSentences 1 - 2: Concept statement (could include a quote.)Sentence 3: Address / reword the questionSentences 4 - 5: Introduce the texts you will be discussing | ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | Body Paragraph OneExplain the significance of the FIRST poem and how it links to the concept of Belonging Sentence 1: Topic sentence – what is the topic of your paragraphSentences 2 – 7: Explanation. Example. Quote. Effect of language technique (aim for at least 3 quotes per paragraph.)When analysing techniques, identify the technique, give a quote / example and Discuss the effect of the techniques and how meaning is created. | ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________…show more content…
Example. Quote. Effect of language technique (aim for at least 3 quotes per paragraph.)When analysing techniques, identify the technique, give a quote / example and Discuss the effect of the techniques and how meaning is created. | ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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