Should Welfare Be Free Essay

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Free Welfare? Should welfare be free? This question may seem a little odd, since welfare has always been free for the poor, but when I ask, should welfare be free I’m not talking money I’m talking behavior. Many people on welfare actually live like they should and do not take advantage of food stamps or any other government given product, but to counter that, there are a few people who just sit at home and do not try to make their lives better. These people also often use drugs. In my opinion there should be strict rules for welfare recipients. First of to be able to say whether or not a person should be tested for drugs while on welfare, you must know a few statistics about welfare. 4.4 million Americans are on federal welfare. That is up 18% since the Great Recession began. In the 2010 there were 308,745,538 people in America. So by these stats…show more content…
I completely agree that we should help people who are addicted to substances, but giving them money to buy drugs isn’t helping them. If a welfare recipient is caught using drugs they should be given a chance to change their lives before being taken off of welfare. They should be given something to help them break their addiction. They should be watched very carefully and retested after two weeks of their conviction. If they are negative for drugs then they should still receive welfare, while still being watched and on probation for another year. On the other hand, if they are tested positive for drugs in the following year I believe they should be arrested. It’s already against the law to do drugs so it is not like we are treating them differently than any other American. Those going to jail actually may be a better lifestyle for some of them. Jail can be looked at either a punishment or a chance to change their life for the
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