Should Immigrants Be Allowed-To-Stay-In-America-Illegal Immigrants

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Miguel Galvez Per.1 7/14/10 1.) “No. for the next five years, any illegal immigrants should not be given to a country or maybe four year non-renewable work visa, and a stay in all penalties, on the understanding they will go home within those two/four years”. 2.) “Yes, I think they should, and that people need to start treating them with respect. I suggest that the US government give them a permanent residency. Those that have committed serious crimes should be deported. Those that choose to follow the Senate's proposed bill should be given citizenship as long as they pass the test. But this is true for all immigrants from any country.”…show more content…
I suggest that the US government give them a permanent residency. Those that have committed serious crimes should be deported. Those that choose to follow the Senate's proposed bill should be given citizenship as long as they pass the test. But this is true for all immigrants from any country.” 5.) “Yes, some do have children born here. Some are hard workers. Ones that have committed major crimes where someone has been physically hurt should go back, but this is meant for any illegal from any country.” 6.) “Yes, I think that they should be allowed to stay, only give them a time limit to apply for temporary residency or citizenship. If, at the end of the allotted time, they still haven't made an effort to be here legally, send them back. I also think that if they have committed a felonious crime, they should be deported with no questions asked, even if they have applied for residency.”…show more content…
If they want to be in America they should have to do like others and come legally.” 8.) “Illegal Immigrants should be allowed to stay in the US because they come to the US to work. They are not criminals like people think.” 9.) “Illegal immigrants should be allowed into America. An illegal immigrant is any person who enters the United States illegally, or any person who enters legally and stays past the time legally allowed. There are many arguments that support allowing illegal immigrants into America. Illegal immigrants are essential to the American economy, they contribute more to the government than they receive in benefits, and current” i policies are discriminatory. 10.) “No, they shouldn't be allowed in the U.S. WHY? 1. They're ILLEGAL. 2. They over-populate. 3. They freeload off of our welfare programs. 4. They take our jobs. 5. They don't pay

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