Why We Should Legalize Illegal Immigration

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For America to remain a free country we must protect our borders. A country that does not protect its own borders will cease to be a country at some point. Any thought of legalizing illegal immigrants without first securing our borders could be a means to an end for America. Solving the illegal immigration issue could be simple if we use some common sense. First thing we should do is modify the birthright citizenship rule to only grant citizenship to the child being born on American soil. By eliminating citizenship to the parents of the child born here you send a clear message that just because your child was born here doesn’t give you the right to claim citizenship. If illegal immigrants knew that only their children who were born here could have automatic citizenship you would see a lot less illegal immigrants crossing the border to have children and abusing this law. The second thing we could do is finally complete the fence across the entire border. Once the border is secure, we could build 2 or 3 maximum security correctional facilities in each one of the Border States right along side of it. We could even save the taxpayer’s in each respective Border State the cost of…show more content…
All too often progress at the border has centered on numbers-of agents hired, miles of fencing built, cameras deployed, A smart approach to border security includes policies and programs that make Americans more secure and prosperous while protecting the sovereignty of both border partners. An example of a smart approach to border security is the Border Enforcement Security Taskforce. It is a program that couples U.S. federal, state, and local law enforcement with Mexican law enforcement to share information and collaborate on matters such as border crime. Neither country is forced to cede control over its border to the other; instead, both the U.S. and Mexico work together to tackle border challenges voluntarily, while maintaining individual

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