Should America Legalize Illegal Immigrants

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Custom Should America Legalize Illegal Immigrants essay paper sample Buy custom Should America Legalize Illegal Immigrants essay paper cheap In the recent past, illegal immigration in America has been on the increase. Illegal immigration refers to the act of people from foreign countries contravening the policies and national laws of immigration of another country by entering or staying in that country without proper permission from the government of that particular country, Colvin G. 2005, pp 44. In America, illegal immigrants are those people from other countries who have violated the immigration policies and laws of America and are have either entered or increased their stay in America without proper permission from the American government.…show more content…
American immigrants occupy low-income employments. Their low-income employment opportunities offer low incomes that are affected by recessions in the economy. Just like the other American people who have high wages in their employment, the illegal immigrants need health and education services and because they cannot cater for such services, they tend to resort to public assistance from the government and this affects the US economy. In this connection, the US government should not legalize illegal immigrants because this will affect their economy. Illegal immigrants also pose a problem to the US economy because their children’s education increases the government’s expenditure on education. The US government spends a lot of money on education for the illegal immigrants due to their greater birth rates that call for intensive instructions hence the increased education cost. The US government also spends a lot of money in paying hospital bills for the illegal immigrants. Moreover, legalizing illegal immigration will make the suffering of the US children because for the increased competition for learning resources. This also affects the economy of the country because the number of people deserving healthcare…show more content…
Illegal immigrants in America practice identity theft where they obtain fake work documentation. If the country legalizes illegal immigration, the number of people practicing identity theft will increase and this means that criminal cases will also be high. Other illegal immigrants in America also practice criminal acts such as drug trafficking. This means that the American government should not legalize illegal immigration because this will encourage more people to illegally migrate to this country leading to increased criminal cases. Moreover, illegal immigrants are not registered any where in America and therefore it is very difficult to track them down when they are involved in criminal offences as this encourage many others to enter the country thus making it difficult to control criminal
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