Shear Force and Beam Loading

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[pic] Programme: International Foundation Programme Programme Code: IUAAA Module Title: Mechanical Principles Module Code: 3ME005 Module Leader: Mike Veveris Lecturer: Mike Veveris Coursework Assignment No: 1 Assignment Title: Beam Loading Report [pic] NAME: SYED ZAIGHAM ABBAS STUDENT ID NO: 100255759 DUE DATE: 17th APRIL, 2012 SUBMITTED DATE: 17th APRIL, 2012 PAGES: 13 Context Introduction Beams Force Shear Force Bending Moment Calculations of given problems to produce shear force and Bending Moment Diagrams Conclusion INTRODUCTION: In this report we describe the basic methods of shear force and bending moment assuming only simply supported beam with point loads and calculate the results of given problems to produce the shear force and bending moment diagram. BEAMS: “Beams are slender members, often horizontal (but not always), loaded by forces in one plane, perpendicular to the beam axis”. There are two types of beam. Simply Supported Beam see Figure (a), which is supported a both ends by knife-edge simple support. Figure: (a) Cantilever see Figure (b) which is supported at one end only by a built-in support. Figure: (b) Clifford. M., (2009). An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering: Part.1. Hodder Education. FORCE: “A Force is that which changes and tend to changes the state of rest or motion of the body”. It is a vector quantity. SHEAR FORCE: “Shear Force is an internal force in any material which is usually caused by an external force acting perpendicular to the material, or a force which has a component acting tangent to the material”. The force on a beam produce sharing at all section along the length.

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