Severn Cullis-Suzuki Essay

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Cullis-Suzuki's Environmental Speech Group Communication Elizabeth Rossi Luke Foster 2/27/2014 This response is going to be on a speech done by a young Canadian girl named Severn Cullis-Suzuki. She, at the age of nine, founded ECO, the Environmental Children's Organization. The group is made up of four twelve and thirteen year-olds who are trying to make a difference in the way things are done in the world regarding the environment and renewable energy. They are also learning and teaching other young people about environmental issues. Severn's group did some fundraising and made enough to travel the entire distance of 5,000 miles to come speak at the 1992 Earth Summit meeting held in Rio de Janeiro. Cullis-Suzuki spoke about how the earth is being stripped of its resources and how what will be left is what her children and children's children will have to deal with. She strongly addresses the adults as well as the many nations that attended the international meeting on how they need to drastically change their ways. She very bluntly states that her future is what she is fighting for, and losing it is nothing like losing an election, or a few points on the stock market. Her future is something that generations to come will have to deal with, and she reaches out to the third-word countries, the starving children, the people without access to clean drinking water, without shelter. Cullis-Suzuki mentions the millions of animals, helpless to get back to their spawning grounds, the different areas they migrate to, their homelands. She talks about how she feels uncomfortable going out in the sun and breathing the earths air, because of all the toxins in it, as well as the harmful suns rays, because of the holes in the ozone layer. Her father and her used to go fishing in the lakes near their home, but had

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