Self Knowledge And Self Esteem

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Self Knowledge & Self Esteem Social Psychology ------------------------------------------------- The topic about Self Knowledge and Self Esteem is about how individuals come to know and evaluate themselves using their own or others thoughts and behaviors of themselves. Nowadays, the way an individual is viewed in the world is very important when looking to see who they really are and how they will behave because of these views. Because the self is such a complicated and sensitive topic, to many it is also the most talked about topic out there. Whether it is seen in Movies, Ad Campaigns, Poems, Songs, or even just talked about amongst people being placed in a vulnerable conversation about the self is the most powerful influencer on how one behaves. People are very self-aware and with just one mention of the self the mood in the environment can change. Since people are so insecure with their self-image our environment influencers (friends, family, enemies, media) have it easy to persuade us to do, think, and even buy anything they want us to. There are many different theories that relate to how people see themselves in the world. Some of these theories are: Self awareness theory, Causal Theory, Self Perception Theory, Looking Glass self, and the Social Comparison theory. These subjects will all be discussed below and put in perspective with relatable material to show proper examples. Self-Awareness Theory The Self Awareness Theory shows that people who are more aware of themselves by putting themselves under inspection are more likely to feel self conscious and compare their current behavior with internal values and standards that they have set. For instance in the popular T.V show series Sex And The City, the entire show is based around falling in love. The four main characters in the series are in their 30s-40s
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