Seatbelts Essay

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Seatbelt laws Seatbelts, although they are proven to save lives, they are also known to cause more injuries when in an accident. Seatbelts can cause more serious injuries when you are involved in an accident. They can cause you to be pinned in the car and cannot escape so you are stuck there, witch if the car caught fire or something that would be a very bad situation. Seatbelts, when in an accident could cause you to have back problems because when you get shot forward the seatbelt holds you in place. That can cause whiplash that could be very painful. Seatbelts can cause you many more injuries then what would normally be caused.many people who report having injuries caused by seatbelts say its because it stopped them from moving, witch could have been a good thing but then again they have more injuries. Some people think that a seatbelt is whats going to hurt them the most in an accident because they know that they could cause whiplash. Witch is why people do not like to wear them. Also people think that seatbelts are very uncomfortable. Seatbelts can cause an irritation from it rubbing onto your neck, or your arm. Some people think that they get in the way. They can get in the way incase you need to get into your pocket quickly, or if you need to move something off of you in the car. Seatbelts, I think along with a lot of other people, think that they should be a personal choice. Some people don’t feel safe with them on. And others don’t like how they make them uncomfortable. If someone is not wearing a seatbelt they cannot hurt anybody that is around them like they could if they were texting and driving, or drinkning and driving. The only person they put at risk is themselves. I think that seatbelts should be a personal choice because I think that they are very uncomfortable and I do not feel safe with one on. I feel like the seatbelt would
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