Seahorses Essay

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Bishop Kearney High School – Leadership and Ethics Fall 2013 – Dr. Hays Remember the Titans - Leadership Roles Instructions: Watch and analyze the film, Remember the Titans in the context of leadership and diversity. Before the film begins, read the questions on this assignment sheet. As you are watching the film, take notes. At the conclusion of the film, you should answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Hand written answers are okay, but I prefer typed responses. Write thoughtful answers in complete sentences. You are to turn in your answers along with the notes you take. 1. List two characters that are given leadership roles that they did not want or did not believe they were ready for. Explain why you chose these two characters. (Do not use Coach Yost or Gary Bertier as examples for this question.) 2. While Louis Lastik was not in a formal leadership role, he was truly a leader on the team. Explain how. 3. What was one hard decision that Gary Bertier has to make in his leadership role? 4. Coach Yost made some decisions that were good for the group, but not so good for him? Explain the two decisions that Coach Yost made like this. 5. While finally breaking through the barrier of black/white, Julius and Gary had an argument about how hard the team was working. During this “discussion” Julius said, “Attitude reflects leadership.” What does this phrase mean to you? 6. Which characters in the film forged new ground in their relationships with others? Be sure to cite specific characters and support and explain your answer. 7. How did playing football help the students overcome their prejudices about each other? What other activities can help people overcome their differences and begin working together? 8. Is there prejudice

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