Schwarzcopf Essay

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General Norman Schwarzkopf is a leader of influence not only because of his military service to this great country, but because of his contributions to leadership doctrine that are still relevant in today’s Army. Gen. Schwarzkopf served in the U.S Army for over 35 years, in multiple conflicts, earned several distinguished awards and valorous decorations; he even received an honorary knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II. All of which live up to his style of leadership that is primarily focused on leaders taking charge and doing what’s right. During my research on Gen. Schwarzkopf there was a common theme surrounding his key attributes and competencies which have shaped the Army and the leadership style that many NCO’s strive for today. He was a leader of character, presence and intellect, the values he held as his own, duty, service and country have been indoctrinated into the Non-Commissioned Officers daily life and embodied in our creeds and values. Gen. Schwarzkopf believed that competence and character were among the highest attributes a leader should have to be successful and is also part of our current leadership doctrine. His character, presence and intellect are what made him an extremely successful and effective leader. His character during his career created an environment that made Soldiers want to follow him into combat, no matter the possible outcome. He always believed that character required a sense of duty, ethics, and morality but was not always a measure of competence. In times of crisis, people pick character to follow. Gen. Schwarzkopf believed that having strength of character was a prerequisite to having the courage to do the right thing. Gen. Schwarzkopf was a leader of presence because he had a reputation as an officer who would put his life on the line to protect his troops. His presence impacted everything from the Soldiers he saved in battle
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