Save Health Education

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Dear Editor, It is very important that we receive the funding for our health and wellness education classes in our elementary school. We both know that optimum health cannot be achieved by overlooking all the elements of a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle starts at a young age, elementary school age. What students learn and use early on in life can be used in adulthood and the rest of their lives. Achieving optimum health can be developed through the teaching of health education. Health education consists of learning how to care for the body through food, cleanliness, rest, ways to prevent disease, and exercise. A healthy lifestyle is important for our students to live a healthy, happy life. We must teach our students what health and wellness is and how they should apply it to their lives. Health can be defined as the body being free from disease and pain. “the concept of wellness is defined as "an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence." Both health and wellness consists of six components: spiritual, social, physical, environmental, emotional, and intellectual. Educating our students about the six components of health and wellness are vital to their proper development. Some of the services and practices that we can make available for our students to promote healthier lifestyles are a healthful classroom environment, school health instruction, school health services, nutrition and food services, physical education and school-based counseling. All these coordinated health school programs will educate our students to make better choices. Some social benefits of more educated, health-aware students are a change in population and family characteristic changes, health and mortality, and drugs and crime. Since students have become more educated about health and wellness components, social changes in
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