Satire On Abortion Research Paper

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Imagine being immobile in a dark, warm space. Without warning , you are stabbed in the back of the head. You jerk in shock with the pain. As the contents of your skull are sucked out through the stab wound. Your life quickly drains away. Abortion has been around for years, from ancient time to current time as a quick option to get rid off of an unwanted baby. In our society, there has always been a controversy of people’s point of view over the ethical and legal aspects of abortion. Abortion is a form of infanticide babies that should be illegal in our society . Today, many teenage mothers are fifteen or sixteen, and some are as young as twelve. Uncertainly, becoming pregnant an early age is not an easy challenge because it changes your life drastically but…show more content…
On the other hand, males used condom to prevent the sperm of entering into the fallopian tubes of a woman . Sex-education courses in middle school and high school could be another alternative factor to prevent unwanted pregnancy within the majority group of young teens. The sex-education program course are taught with widely objective information and formal activities to inform students of the terrible consequences of unprotected sex. Throughout history, women have had abortions, whether legal or not even if it meant risking their lives with unsafe methods. Camille Peri states, “ You look at the ultrasounds and there’s a fetus with a heartbeat and then after the procedure, there’s the fetus, usually in pieces, in a dish” (Peri 2). Partial-birth abortion are performed on fetuses that are five or six months old. The doctors used scissors to cut a hole in the base of the baby’s skull so that its brain can be removed and pass easily through the birth canal. This cruel insane silent abortion is consider a sin under god’s eye and won’t have pardon of him. The fetus is an innocent human being that didn’t ask to come to life but it’s taken away form inhumane hands of doctors. The bible states, “ Before I

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