Satire Essay On Bullying

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Don’t Cross the Line Not knowing where the line is, can really drive people to the edge, literally. Bullying has become a part of everyday teenage life. Some people think of it as a joke and just mucking around until the victim decides they’ve had enough, and believe suicide is their only option. Kids don’t realise how severely the words they use can harm the people they aim it at that they cannot persuade them that they mean nothing. Social networks and websites have made it easier for kids to bully others anonymously and harshly. This ongoing bullying drives children to depression and self-harming themselves to get rid of the pain. The victims of bullying don’t realise that there are others out there that are in the same position and…show more content…
If you aren’t as ‘skinny’ or ‘pretty’ as all the other girls, you have a larger chance of getting bullied. This leads some girls to have eating disorders and anorexia for trying to fit in with the group. If you have glasses, red hair, a bad haircut, crooked teeth, are disabled, smart, dumb, have a big head, big ears, freckles, you’re too tall, too short, basically anything, they will find something to judge you about, even if you are just the slightest bit different! These bullies are yet to realise that everyone is beautiful in their own way and that we need these unique people in the world to create the next generation, because without difference everyone, everything will be the…show more content…
Driving someone to the point where they want to end it all does not make you ‘cool’ or strong and powerful, it makes you weak and a coward, no one will think big of you. So if you see someone getting bullied don’t just watch them and think it’s not your problem, stick up for them or let someone know. No one deserves to be judged because they are different, in their own way, everyone is perfect. Don’t cross the line, bullying is nothing to be proud

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