Cyberbullying for Kids

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What Is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is like playground bullying, but it's done either online or with cell phones. It can take the form of individual harassment, public humiliation, or both. The viral nature of online life and cell phones makes sending humiliating or degrading messages, pictures, or videos simple and immediate. And anonymous. Screen names easily disguise bullies' identities. Sometimes they can even pretend to be the victims, posting comments that look like the victims wrote them. Other times, the cyberbullying can take the form of direct threats -- either physical ones or social ones. Why You Should Care: Because it's going to happen to your kids, and it's going to damage them emotionally. Their self esteem and their self confidence -- not to mention their sense of physical safety -- all take huge hits when bullying is involved. And you should know that your kids may not want to tell you they're being bullied ... they might be embarrassed or might not want to own up to the fact they're on sites they aren't supposed to be on. Some Facts You Should Know: 1 in 3 kids say they've been cyberbullied. Cyberbully 411 reports that 40% of kids say their cyberbullying took place on instant messenger services. 30% said it happened on social networking sites, and 29% said they were bullied while playing an online game. USA Today reports that girls generally mock others for their physical appearance, while boys tend to make more sexually explicit comments. Cyberbullying is especially prevalent in middle school-aged kids
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