Roles And Responsibilities Of School Governors Essay

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205.2.1 Describe the roles and responsibilities of (a) school governors (b) senior management (c) SENCO (d) teachers (e) support staff School governors’ work in a team of up to 20 people, they have the responsibility of running the school and providing good quality education for pupils. Governors promote effective ways of teaching and learning. Together with the head they set the schools aims and policies. Governors are accountable to parents, local community and the local authorities or trustees in the case of an independent school. There should be at least one parent and one staff governor as well as the head if they choose to be one also there will be a local authority governor and local community governor. The Governing Body: Is…show more content…
The support staffs have varies roles and responsibilities for example. Learning support staff works with teachers in the classroom, helping pupils progress with their learning. They include: Teaching assistants and higher level teaching assistants work with teachers in the classroom to help pupils with their learning Administrative staff provides essential back-up services for the whole school. Welfare and pupil support staff is responsible for the welfare of pupils outside the classroom including during break, lunchtime and outside school hours. Specialist and technical staff are on hand in schools to provide valuable know-how and resources that support teaching and learning. Site staff plays an important role in schools ensuring that the environment is clean, safe and tidy and that meals are available at
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