Role of Law in Business and Society

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Role of Law in Business and Society Laws already existed from what is believed the creation of the world. Adam and Eve were subject to the law of God not to eat of the forbidden tree. They disobey the order and punishment was given. Since then we can accept as a fact that laws existed. Little by little and with the evolution of time, laws have been established as rules to follow in order to have an efficient and peaceful society. Laws help regulate social behavior, supply ethical standards and expectations, provide rules of conduct, promote social justice, resolve disputes, and protect public order between others. Although the functions of law may seem so easy to follow, they are more complex to understand and follow. According to our textbook, the legal environment of business by Melvin S.P., the term law has been defined in a variety of ways throughout recorded history. The most accepted definition of the law is a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having legal binding force (Melvin, 2011). Laws are a system of rules that a particular country or community recognizes as regulating the actions of its members and may enforce by the imposition of penalties. Laws are created and written to be followed and applied equally in business and society. I work in a private country club with 635 members, all of them are considered to be wealthy and affluent. The club is located in the New York Metropolitan area. Here, members not only relax, have fun, and entertain, but it is also the place that generates businesses. As any other organization, we are also subject to laws and regulations. From the moment a person is hired, he becomes an employee with duties, obligations, and rights until the moment the employee retires. We have to obey the law and comply with all the policies established. The club is composed by board
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