“Resistance Does Not Necessarily Involve Violence but It Always Involves Choice.” with Reference to the Above Statement, Explain the Methods Used by Jews to Resist Nazi Policies and Practices During the Holocaust (1939 – 1945)

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The Holocaust was the systematic genocide of Jews and other undesirables by the Nazis in German-occupied areas of Europe. Some Nazi practices were forcing Jews to live in concentration camps or ghettos, as well as murdering them in numerous ways. Policies included the Nuremburg Laws, which stripped the rights of Jews. Resistance against these activities did not necessarily involve violence; there were both violent and passive ways in which the Jews chose to resist Nazi policies and practices. Many Jewish people chose to use violent opposition as resistance to the actions of the Germans. This was undertaken in both ghettos and concentration camps. In a number of ghettos, Jewish communities used violence resistance against Nazi activities. Source A is an account of Jewish defiance in the Warsaw ghetto against the Nazis . The Nazis wished to deport the Jews to Treblinka extermination camp and liquidate the ghetto, and the source demonstrates the Jewish opposition to the genocide of their race. Resistance such as this happened in other Jewish ghettos, with communities manufacturing home-made weapons or smuggling them to revolt against the Germans. Some also escaped into forests to engage in partisan warfare against the Germans. Violent resistance in ghettos was a prominent way in which Jews demonstrated their opposition for the activities of the Nazis. Violent resistance by the Jews against the German forces also occurred in concentration camps. At some concentration and extermination camps including Treblinka extermination camp and Auschwitz, there were staged uprisings against the Nazis. This was in opposition to the Nazi practices of underfeeding, overworking, abusing and murdering Jews. In most cases, weapons were smuggled by Jews from munitions factories at camps, although grenades and arms were sometimes hand-made. The intention of these efforts was to kill

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