How Was Hitler Responsible For The Holocaust

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Zach Soper Sorenson The Final Solution & Anti-Semitism Global11R In the late 19th century Hitler came into power in Germany, and with Hitler came his views and beliefs. Hitler believed that the world is “impure” and that he was responsible for purifying it. He believed that he belonged to the “master race”, the Aryans, and that everyone else was inferior to Christian Aryans. With this mind set he began to try and separate the inferior people away from the Christian Aryans. In Hitler’s mind inferior humans included Jews, gays, gypsies, etcetera. With the Nazi party behind him he began to capture these inferior persons. Under Hitler’s control the Nazi party started systematically persecuting and killing people of Jewish decent, thus the Holocaust began. This idea of eliminating the Jews was known as…show more content…
Concentration camps held Jews as well as criminals, political prisoners, gypsies, etcetera. Like the ghettos, concentration camps held the Jews and had terrible living conditions. At the camps the first thing the SS would do was take the prisoners clothing, shave their heads, and replace their name with a number (dehumanizing them). Prisoners of the camps were forced to work for the Germans, including putting people inside the gas chambers, removing the remains from the gas chambers and sorting through previously (Jewish) owned clothes that would be sent to German residents. Prisoners who were thought to be “unfit” for work (the weak, the ill, prisoners with a mental condition, etcetera) were brought to the gas chambers. Most of the children were killed immediately upon arriving at a concentration camp; few were kept alive for experimentation. Many prisoners of the camps died of overwork, malnutrition, disease, starvation, or from being gassed. It was estimated that approximately 5 million Jews died in the concentration camp through the 30s and

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