Research Essay on Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Biography and Literary Works

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For several decades in different corners of our planet readers get acquainted with new Latin American prose with great enthusiasm. Recently it became a part of world literature and is appreciated by people of different nationalities. In Mexico Garcia Marquez is known as Gabo. Huge and a bit odd world, created by this writer came from his childhood. It was also influenced by “1000day war” (1899-1902) between liberals and conservatives, who destroyed Columbia. But troubles never come singly. At this time family of colonel Nicolas Marquez settled down in a remote provincial town of Arakataka. Few years later there appeared so-called “banana fever” originated from North-American monopoly “United fruit company”. Colonel’s grandson, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, was born on the 6th of March 1928. He spent his childhood in the deserted town which seemed extinct. Not numerous dwellers lived by memories about past time events, mixed with fantastic stories. The boy lived in an old house, inhabited with cranks and ghosts. Gabriel was brought up by his self-denying granny, keeping in mind lots of fairy-tales and legends. Later Marquez created Ursula Buendia (“100 years of Solitude) on the basis of his granny’s character. But some researchers still admit that Ursula’s prototype was his mother. In real life she didn’t differ much from her literary image. Luisa Marquez had 11 children, 67 grandchildren, 73 great-grandsons and 5 great-great-grandsons. She died at the age of 97, in 2002. She was buried as a national heroine. But the most important person in Gabriel Garcia’s life was his grandfather Nicolas. He always told Gabriel stories about battles and campaigns, read books with him, developing his mind in every way. Grandpa died when Gabriel was 8 years old. Together with parents Gabriel left native town for Sipakira. There he studied and lived in the boarding school and tried to

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