Religious/Race Intolerance: Islam

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Religious/Race Intolerance: Islam September 11th, 2001, better known as 9/11. Who hasn’t heard of that date? This day wasn’t just an act of terrorism and horror; it was a day where viewpoints were drastically altered forever. Religions, countries, people, even including U.S. citizens, were never looked at the same again. Now I could sit here and ramble on and on since the beginning of time about religion and the wars and hate caused by it. But I’ll just focus on one case. Being a Muslim in America, it was a little tough at first I have to admit. Actually, very tough. I was in 1st grade when the news hit that New York was attacked. We all know the story behind that obviously so no need to go into depth. The day after, I was literally…show more content…
I see people calling Indians terrorists, whose country isn’t even involved whatsoever. That’s like going to a Chinese or Japanese person and blaming them for Vietnam. People are so uneducated and ignorant and have no idea what is even going on. They just go along with everything else and imitate what they see and hear. What’s even worse is how the actions of few ACTUAL terrorists, labeled the billions of people in Islam and the millions in the middle east, Asia, and in the U.S. terrorists automatically as well. How does that even happen? What’s even worse than that is whenever a person that is brown or is Islamic commits a crime; it’s an “act of terrorism” and blame Islam and its teachings. Not the same case when any other race or religion commits one. You see a white man gun down children or people in a movie theatre and it’s an automatic case of psychological disorder and insanity. Christianity doesn’t even come into the argument. What has that religion been teaching? There were about 3,000 casualties in the 9/11 incident, very tragic. The total number of casualties since the war has started: Over 2 million. Anyone who knows math should understand that isn’t even close to a good tradeoff. Now I’m educated enough and have studied all major religions to know that not one of them has implicated hate or evil acts. Christianity is a beautiful religion itself, but religion and its followers are so much…show more content…
I’d be doing the same thing for which I am arguing by classifying everyone as racists or ignorant. Not the case at all and never will be. Over the years it has calmed down slowly but surely. I see people defending each other now who aren’t even the same religion or race, and it’s so beautiful. There are more cases of religious hate crimes related to Islam in Europe than in America, which is surprising considering America was the one most affected by 9/11. So a solution to all this is just education. Education could be the key to eliminating any wrongdoing. Much easier said than done. Something we all can do and are capable just to start it off is to learn not just about your own religion and teachings, but others as well. You’d be surprised by what you would learn. Let’s start a new and beautiful movement for a

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