Reason for Cycling

414 Words2 Pages
A bicycle is a mechanism that has transported man for many decades. Nowadays, bicycling is a great way to move from one place to another in short distances. I believe you should use a bicycle for short distances to protect the environment as well as your health. The purpose of this essay is to explain why people should ride a bicycle for short distance trips. By riding a bicycle, people can decrease gasoline consumption, improve the quality of their lives, and protect the environment. The first reason to use a bicycle for short distances is that you can cause a decrease of pollution. Because many people use their cars to move short distances, they increase the rates of pollution causing more pollution problems to our environment. That is why the use of a bicycle for short distances is a really good idea to help lower the rates of pollution. The second reason to use a bicycle for short distances is that you can help lower gasoline consumption. If you use a bicycle or a car to move to a place that is near your home, you will decrease the gasoline consumption of your car. This can save you a lot of money because the price of gas is expensive. Maybe, it is the laziness of some people who use their cars to drive to places that are near their homes. However, this habit of driving causes an increase of gasoline consumption. Finally, the most important benefit of riding a bicycle on short trips is that it can help you have good health. When you ride a bicycle, you use your legs to move, and this physical exercise is aerobic which means that your heart is pumping blood throughout your body, so it fortifies your heart, lungs, and other important parts of your body. These are some excellent reasons to ride a bicycle. Although using a car is acceptable for long distances, we need to remember that a bicycle will help us even if we are moving only short distances. I think that

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