Research Proposal Eng 215

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Research Proposal Jennifer Monger Laura Howard, MA Eng 215 Research and Writing 07/19/2014 The topic I focused on for my research is should all states require motorcyclists and passengers to wear helmets. After witnessing a motorcyclist involved in an accident and the damage to his helmet, why would anyone put their lives at risk by riding without a helmet. The reasons for choosing this topic are the debate about safety versus freedom. If states already enforce a seat belt law for all people in a vehicle, why is there not universal helmet laws for motorcyclists. Riding a motorcycle has been described as a sense of freedom. This sense of freedom comes from the not being enclosed or separated from the experience of the journey. One important issue that has arisen with motorcycle safety is if there should be a universal helmet law in all states. A car provides the driver with the protection of seat belts, airbags and the structural frame itself. Motorcyclists are at a higher risk for injury due to the absence of safety features. Universal helmet laws will have the greatest impact for the increased use of helmets and decrease in motorcycle crash injuries and death. The audience for this paper would be motorcyclists, anyone interested in health care costs, and motorists interested in road safety. Motorcyclists safety enthusiasts understand the risks and advocate the use of helmets for all riders. Having the support from motorcyclists would not only encourage helmet use, but also encourage the need for universal helmet laws. People interested in health care costs would be a targeted audience. The purpose is to present how the medical costs will lead to higher taxes or higher insurance costs for everyone. Providing helmet laws will save money for all and encourage the legislation. Motorist interested in road safety would also have an impact on

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