Question 1 - Communication and Professional Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults. Explain Why Effective Communication Is Important in Developing Positive Relationships with - Children -Young People -Adults

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Effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults as you need to communicate in a manner that is clear and accurate. When communicating with children and young people you need to communicate so it is appropriate to their ages, needs and abilities. This involves using words and phrases that children and young people will understand, you need to be actively listening, reespond positively to children's views and feelings, and clarifying and confirming points to reinforce children's and young people's knowledge and understanding. Effective communication with children and young people requires good inter-personal skills such as: make time to listen to pupils, concentrate on what pupils are saying, Facing the pupil, leaning slightly towards them, smiling, nodding, open - handed gestures not clenched fists, Every person needs to have their say while others listen, Don't shout, talking over pther people. Respond positively to what is said. Effective communication involves pupils being able to understand and use the language of learning. Youn need to be able to utilise language effectively yourself in order to encourage and extend pupils learning. Developing postive working relationships with adults adults is important because it helps to maintain a positive learning environment that benefits pupils, parents and staff. Try to avoid 'jargon' or technical language unless you are sure that they too understand its meaning. Parents or carers usually know more about their children and their children's needs so it is important to listen to what parents have to say. You should therefore actively encourage postive working relationships between parents and school. 250
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