Qualities of Good Leadership

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Name: ________________________________ Due Date: _____________ COMM. SKILLS FOR MANAGERS. & PROFESSIONALS Assignment Sheet #6 1. Read Chapter 5 in Communicating for Results and Chapter 9 in Management Communication. 2. Please answer the following questions: A. What is meant when we say that one cannot avoid communicating? What examples can you draw from your personal experience in communicating unintentional messages? B. Describe a situation in which a coworker’s or fellow student’s nonverbal communication contradicted his or her words. Which message was stronger? How did the contradiction affect your trust in the other person? C. Walk the halls of the place where you work or go to school, paying particular attention to various office arrangements. What non-verbal characteristics do you feel create a favorable impression, and what nonverbal characteristics account for any unfavorable impression? D. Evaluate how successfully you use the six types of nonverbal communication covered in Chapter 5. Select two areas that need improvement and decide what you can do about them. E. Choose a specific country, such as India, Portugal, Bolivia, Thailand, or Nigeria (the less familiar you are with the country, the better). Research the culture and write a brief summary of what a U.S. manager would need to know about concepts of personal space and rules of social behavior in order to conduct business successfully in that country. F. Complete Case Study 9-1 (Olive Gardens Restaurant) on pages 271-27 in Management Communication. Please note that two documents need to be prepared: a one-page memo regarding your strategy for handling the case and a letter to the customer. Both of these
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