Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is...

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Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is... The Study of the Effectiveness of Different Mouthwashes on Killing Oral Bacteria Introduction Oral bacteria is both unwanted and disliked by humans. It is harmful because it can cause plaque, Gingivitis, and bad breath. Daily use of mouthwash, which aims to kill the bacteria that can lead to these symptoms, can be used to easily prevent the effects of oral bacteria. All mouthwashes are created in order to kill oral bacteria. However, there is a difference is each brand or type of specific mouthwash. Some mouthwashes are antibacterial, and others are antiseptic. Antibacterial mouthwashes work mainly to kill or destroy bacteria. Antiseptic mouthwashes kill and prevent the growth of oral bacteria. In order to understand how effective each type of mouthwash ism it is important to study and comprehend the zone of inhibition. The zone of inhibition is an area that shows where there is little or no bacterial growth in an experiment. Spreading oral bacteria across an agar plate, a nutrient growth medium that allows the growth of bacteria, can create definite and clear zones of inhibition. In this lab of investigating the effectiveness of different mouthwashes on killing oral bacteria, to determine which mouthwash was the most effective, the various sizes of the zones of inhibitions were observed and measured. Purpose The purpose of this lab is to investigate the effect of different mouthwashes on killing and preventing the growth of oral bacteria. Hypothesis I think that Listerine mouthwash will be the most effective in killing and preventing the growth of oral bacteria because Listerine costs 0.9c/mL. It is the most expensive mouthwash in comparison to the other options. Since Listerine is more expensive, I think it would have the greatest quality and therefore kill

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