Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment

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Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment Tanaissey Askew Psy/250 October 29, 2013 Dr. Williams Psychoanalytic Personality Assessment Sigmund Freud is said to be one of the greatest psychologist of all times. Although he has a different outlook on understanding how people act is quite intriguing. He is considered the father of psychoanalysis. Sigmund Freud was a medical doctor, a physiologist, and an influential thinker. He believed on the mind being a complex energy system theory that he elaborated and researched in the early twentieth century. In comparison and contrast, the psychoanalytic theories of Freud, Jung, and Adler are very different and unique. However, Freud, Jung, and Adler are not at all alike. Freud based most psychological things on sexuality. Jung promoted the concept of archetypes, and Adler believed in the “will power” theory and that fundamentally, human beings are self- determined (“Theoretical Positions of Freud, Jung, and Adler,” n.d.). Freud is big on self-conscious, Jung said “the aim of life to know oneself, and to know one is to examine the depths of the unclear seas of not only the personal unconscious as well.” Adler stated that “individual psychology based on the idea of the indivisibility of one’s personality” (“Notable Quotes,” n.d.). The two characteristics that I agree with the most would be the psychoanalytic theory and the learning theory. I chose the psychoanalytic theory because it is natural and normal for people to have thoughts, feelings, and urges. Just like Freud said “at the same time we are only human and we cannot control what only comes naturally. However, we can help what we think and feel (“Notable Quotes,” n.d.). I chose the learning theory because our behavior changes according to our surroundings. Our behavior also changes according to our environment as well. Sometimes our behavior can also
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