Proposal for Solar Tracker

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A PROPOSAL TO BUILD A TRACKER FOR A CONCENTRATED SOLAR PANEL MODULE Introduction The pre made solar tracker design involves concentrating solar rays onto a small area on the solar panel using a parabolic mirror. With this design most of the sunlight get concentrated giving a maximum sunlight on the solar panel. To maximize this design’s ability, a tracker has to be attached to the module. This tracker will sense the amount of sunlight available at a point and then make a corresponding tilt in the solar panel to gain maximum sunlight. This solves the problem of the clouds interfering with the amount of sunlight getting to the solar panel. The tracker will have to power. This proposal involves the methods, proposed experiments, and predicted results in part of the project. Objectives 1. To figure out the best method to incorporate in this project for maximum gain. 2. Choose a type of motor based on the best-chosen method from above. 3. Decide which sensors to use for feedback control. 4. Develop a way of incorporating the feedback into the motor for position control. 5. Building a circuit for testing the system in the lab. 6. Testing motor and sensor feedback relation to correct all errors. 7. Actual mounting of circuit on to the whole module 8. Final testing Significance of the Project This project will maximize the efficiency of solar panels by tracking the maximum sunlight. This project will be very useful in the SURF (Sustainable Research Facility). This project is meant to show that, using a solar tracker will increase the energy gain as compared to a fixed solar

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