Promote Person Centred Approach in H&Sc

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E50118195.CU2666 Promote Person Centred Approaches in H&S Care 1.1 Explain How and Why Person-Centred Values Must Influence All Aspects of Health & Social Care Work Person centred values must influence all aspects of H&S Care work because in the past the service provided to a service user did not necessarily empower the service user by allowing them to make their own decisions, or have their say, relating to the support and services they needed/ received. Person- centred care is care that places the individual in the centre of the decision making and activities. Person-centred means that care must be focused on specific needs and wishes of the service user. Service Users can plan their own lives; make their own choices using help from family, friends and professionals, hence empowering them to play a central part in the planning process. A person-centred approach involves more than simply providing choice. It places great value on social, emotional and identity needs of each unique individual. Person Centred Values include: • Individuality • Rights • Choice • Privacy • Independence • Dignity • Respect • Partnership 3.3 Explain What Steps to Take If Consent Cannot Be Readily Established Consent means informed agreement to an action or decision; the process of establishing consent will vary according to an individual’s assessed capacity to consent. If a person cannot give consent, either because they cannot communicate or because they cannot understand the question, the next of kin is usually asked. The exact order is determined by law so can vary but are usually spouses, then parents, then children. An acquaintance who states that they have knowledge of the person’s wishes often can also give consent. If there is no one identified that can give consent, then the treating staff can act in what they reasonably believe to be
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