Promote Children's Well-Being and Resilience

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Level 5 Unit O36 Lead practice in promoting the well-being and resilience of children and young people * Explain the importance of well-being for children and young people Well-being focuses on developing as a person. It has two main elements: psychological well-being (including feeling and thinking) and physical well-being. Children’s relationships and interactions with their families & communities contribute significantly to their sense of well-being. Children need to feel valued, respected, empowered, cared for, and included. They also need to respect themselves, others and their environment. They become positive about themselves and their learning when adults value them for who they are and when they promote warm and supportive relationships with them. Expressing themselves creatively and experiencing a spiritual dimension in life enhances children’s sense of well-being. Life is full of challenges and struggles. Therefore being flexible and having a positive outlook on learning and on life is crucial. All of these experiences help children to become resilient and resourceful and to learn to cope with change and situations in which things may go wrong. Physical well-being is important for learning and development as this enables children to explore, to investigate and to challenge themselves in the environment. A growing awareness of their bodies and abilities is also part of this. The adult supports children’s psychological and physical well-being by helping them to make healthy choices about nutrition, hygiene and exercise. Ensure that we plan and provide opportunities for children to express themselves, to encourage them to play and work with others and to deal with challenges. As adults we need to help children towards independence by providing them with choice in their activities and by providing opportunities for them to make decisions and to
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