Pro Gun Control

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In the United States men and women own over 250+ million firearms. These people own guns to give themselves security and safety against violent home intruders, but there are those who think otherwise. The Opposition of gun ownership rights say that the guns in society are the leading causes of violent gun crimes. However, whether guns are legal or not, they will end up in criminal hands, and once they are in the hands of criminals, there is nothing to stop these criminals from injuring and killing defenseless citizens. Guns have been a controversial issue for nearly a century, but guns have been in American hands since its foundation. Guns are a part of America’s history, from the Revolution to the Wild West; guns have helped take America…show more content…
Without this gun, a dangerous or mentally insane criminal would likely injure or kill the victim with an illegally obtained gun or other weapon. If one focuses on the fact that criminals are obtaining their weapons illegally the large majority of the time, another hole can be seen in the argument of gun control advocates; criminals certainly do not obey the law, so if guns are very hard or impossible to obtain legally, this will not stop a criminal. So what if one was to look at a crime taking place in a society where guns are illegal? The scene would play out something like: a law abiding citizen would have their home invaded by a criminal with a gun, obtained illegally, and could do nothing as the criminal violated their safety, stole from them, and possibly injured or even killed the helpless victim who could not defend themselves without a gun. Criminals with guns would run amok robbing and murdering with no citizen…show more content…
If one was to choose to advocate for gun rights, they would not be advocating that everyone own a gun and run around shooting this very dangerous weapon, they would be advocating for safe gun use and possession. This definition is one that silences one of the few prominent arguments gun control advocates have left, this being that with more guns, comes many more accidental gun deaths and other non-attack related crimes such as suicide, the percentage of suicide with guns is very highly correlated with household gun ownership rates. These are issues that arise because of the lack of gun safety. If guns were to become more readily available, gun safety would obviously have to be very heavily enforced. Multiple courses would be required to be taken before one purchases a gun, safes or cases with heavy locks should also be required to be purchased with the gun, the list of options can continue on for a long time. The argument that more guns leads to more gun accidents could easily be proven wrong with more gun safety
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