Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care Settings

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Unit 10 Principles of communication in Adult social care settings 1. Understand why effective communication is important in adult social care settings. 1.1 Identify the different reasons people communicate. Generally people communicate to exchange information, to identify each other, to gain and pass on knowledge, to socialise, give warnings, to educate, to express feelings, to build relationships, for pleasure, and to feel included and involved with other people / society. Communication is the first thing people do when they meet; therefore it is important that we identify effective ways to communicate with each other early in a relationship, whether it is a professional relationship or a social one. The individual needs to feel they have a connection with their support worker, as this worker will play an important role in the individuals day to day life, therefore the individual needs to feel that the worker has understood what their needs, wishes and requirements are, the worker needs to ensure that the individual understands and agrees to what is happening or is going to happen, particularly relating to any physical contact. 1.2. Explain how communication affects relationships in an adult social care setting. When I first meet a new client, generally during an informal visit or through a formal assessment, I like to gain as much information regarding an individual’s likes, dislikes, general preferences, beliefs and cultural views and any quirks however diverse or strange as I can, without putting too much pressure on the individual, as some of this information will become more apparent as we build a relationship. I will inform the individual as to why I am asking for this information, and explain that this will assist me to formulate an effective support package that is based purely around them, for them and devised with
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