Presentation of Self in the Virtual World

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Presentation of Self in the 'Virtual World ' - Applicability of Goffman's Presentation of Self in Everyday life to the 'Virtual world'. Erving Goffman was a 20th century sociologists who was mainly associated with the ideas and concepts of symbolic interactionism. Goffman was keen on observing and understanding how humans interacted with one another and how they represented themselves in front of the general public in everyday settings. His interest in studying human interactions led him to write one of his famous works “ The Presentation of Self in Everyday life”. In this seminal book, Goffman provides an indepth analysis and description of the processes and meanings involved in our daily human interaction. He uses theatre as a metaphor to illustrate how individuals try to present an 'idealised' self during social interaction as oppose to an authentic one. His approach is often called a dramaturgical approach (Goffman, 1959). According to Goffman, interaction is a sort of a theatrical performance. When we interact , we enter a 'stage' and take on a role of an 'actor' presenting a character to an 'audience'. Similarly to theatrical performance, Goffman says there is a 'front stage' and a 'back stage' to social interactions as well. In the 'front stage' the 'actors' are 'performing' to an 'audience'. Thus, the actors on this stage portrays a positive and desired impressions of self to others. Where as in the 'back stage' the actors behave differently and get rid of the roles they play in the 'front stage' as they don't expect no members of their front stage audience to appear in the back stage. Goffman believes that in every interaction, information about the individuals involved is both presented and absorbed (Goffman, 1959). When individuals interact, Goffman says there are two impressions

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