Personal Narrative-9/11 Scars Of My Life

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Eleven surgeries, three and half foot enjoyable scar, a life time full of regret from just one moment as a small child, three hundred and sixty five days a year, everyday walking with a slight limp on his left. Two infections, four scars total on the leg, one fused knee, one hundred and eleven staples torn from out of his leg, less than ninety degrees of flexion within the joint, fifteen years later still living with what happened long ago. And just one dream he made as a child that can never be met now. The days I watched my dad, as young child, walk out the door with his military uniform on, you know the camouflage suit, the baby blue shirt covered with beautiful navy blue jacket over it, with the waxed black shoes to finish it off, I was more than just proud to call a man fighting for our country but also as my dad fighting for our country. I would walk into school everyday; sing the national anthem with my classmates,…show more content…
I was on a neighbor’s trampoline, young and reckless I was definitely in the universes eye to get hurt that day. Doing phenomenal tricks and stunts on the dangerous machine we saw extreme playful as kids, I had crossed past with destiny and did such a trick I landed on the bar of trampoline. Bashing my knee so hard on it, it immediately started to swell up 3 times as big as its normal size. Once it happened, I knew I would possibly need surgery, be in excruciating pain, and be crying all of the above, what I did not foresee is what my future in the years later would become. I am now in high school, still urging to be what I once set out to be as a young child, a man in the military, a soldier, anything to help out my needs of the country, I knew the day I graduated high school I would be in recruiting office signing up, taking asvab , and sending off for basic military training. The days go by and I become eager just to go and talk to one of the recruiting officers down the road from my high school,

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