Personal Interpersonal Skills

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PERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Personal Skills 1. Personal skills are the individual attributes you have such as personality and work habits. These often describe what you are like and how you would naturally go about doing things. Personal skills will often be related to how you fit into ‘the team’ or the ‘culture of the workplace’. Interpersonal Skills 2. Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day to communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. Interpersonal skills are also sometimes referred to as; social skills, people skills, soft skills, communication skills or life skills. Although these terms can include interpersonal skills they tend to be broader and therefore may also refer other types of skills. Whetten and Cameron Model of Personal and Interpersonal Skill 3. Organizational behavior is a study and application of managerial skills and knowledge to people in the organization to investigate individual and group behavior. I will discuss Whetten and Cameron Model of Personal and Interpersonal Skill:- Fig 3.1: Whetten and Cameron model (a) Managing Stress. The ability to deal appropriately with stress not only enhances individual self-development but can also have an enormous bottom-line impact on entire organizations. This model explains the major types of stressors faced by individuals, the primary reactions to stress, and the reasons some people experience more negative reactions than others do. Managing and adapting to stress, along with specific and behavioral guidelines. Four key sources of stressors are given in following figure table. (b) Eliminating Stress.
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