Personal Essay About Forrest Gump

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LIFE IS LIKE A BOX OF CHOCOLATES Ever find the way of life getting you down? Do you struggle day to day trying to be happy? If so there is a movie that can give all of your energy back and maybe refresh your look on your life. When I was born I was not born like any other child, I was born with a “hip error”. Because of this, I had to stay in the hospital for a long time, where I went through several different operations. When I was about 7-years old, I went through a long operation, and at that point all I ever wanted was to run around and play football with the other children. This made me very sad, because I couldn’t. So I picked up a movie which always has been in my life, Forrest Gump. This movie always made me happy, and I specifically remember one scene that gave me hope and expectations. The scene where Forrest is bullied and have to run even with his braces on his legs. But, he just keep on running and eventually the braces are destroyed and Forrest just runs away. That scene always gave me hope, and an expectation that said “I can do that one day”. So have you lost hope in your life? Do you struggle trying to find happiness in your daily life? Then this movie does it for you. This movie Is life-affirming, it makes you happy and maybe gives you a new perspective on life. Forrest Gump is a simple man who comes from a small town called Greenbow in Albama. He lives in a boarding house that his mother runs. Although Forrest is a little “slow” in his way of thinking, his mental slowness does not seems to bother him, his mother or his one and only best friend Jenny. In fact, his way of understanding the world around him gives Forrest a happy and positive perspective of life. When Forrest was a child his Mother always told him “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”. And that is very well-spoken if she knew what where

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