ACL Persuasive Speech

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Okay, so I’m sure you’re thinking to yourself, “Why me?” “Why did I have to tear my ACL in the last game of my senior year” and so many other things. Well here’s the deal, you tore your ACL, can’t do much about it, its happened and there’s no going back now. Your life is now going to be pretty hard for the next 9 months. You’ll have surgery, and guess what, you won’t be able to walk after; you’ll be rolled out of the hospital in a wheelchair. You know what else, you’ll need help peeing, showering, changing clothes, getting in and out of bed, and all that fun stuff. It sucks, but it’s a good excuse for everyone to treat you like a princess, even your butthead little brother is going to feel bad for you. So it’s the day before surgery and…show more content…
Once you get to the hospital, you go to whatever floor surgery is on, you check in and fill out all that stupid paperwork, then you sit and wait. Finally, your name is called. They take you to a big open room with a bunch of different hospital beds, and a few shower curtain little things to separate each bed. You’re then handed, probably one of the ugliest gowns, hair net looking thing, a pair of stockings, (yes, white obnoxious stockings, get used to them, you’ll wear them BOTH for about 2 weeks) and then some of the fuzziest socks you’ll ever wear. You change, and sit there for a little with your parents, and then your doctor comes in and talks to you and writes on your stockings ‘yes’ and ‘no’ (yes on the surgery knee, no on the good knee). Now comes for “THE SCARIEST PART” your nurse comes in and takes some blood, they take this blood and separate it to make plasma, which is weird, cause then your blood is yellow, if I were you I would ask to see it once they finish, it’s pretty cool. The worst part is almost over, you get an IV, and they put all this fun medicine in it, you’ll feel pretty great within 5 minutes of getting your IV. (Take as…show more content…
Honestly I don’t remember anything they did that day, but I have pictures. You pretty much sit there on the bed, high as shit (not technically, but ya know what I mean) while they measure your leg and all that fun stuff. Don’t freak out, your leg will look giant, it takes thunder thighs to a whole new level. Then once that’s over go home and sleep some more, take more pills, and try to eat. Now its time for some of the worst parts, there’s this thing, idk what its called but your leg is going to be put in it, and strapped down. This thing looks like a mini robotic leg, and it’s going to bend your leg for you, how sweet. I remember this part vividly, you’re going to cry, it hurts like a bitch, but it gets better with time, and the more you do it, the closer you get to walking. (90 degrees is the goal). Again, pain pills, and lots of them. I’m sure by now you will have friends coming to visit you, and yes you will probably still be in the same clothes you had on the day of surgery (Honestly, you probably will for like the first 3 days, just change your shirt and brush your teeth) no one can judge, they didn’t just have their knee screwed back together. Your friends will love you no matter what you look like, or they aren’t your real friends. Make sure you take pictures with everyone who comes to visit, because who doesn’t love

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