Person Centred Care

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Understand person centred approaches for care and support Person centred values is a theory developed by Carl Rogers that trusted the innate tendency (known as the actualising tendency) of human beings to find fulfilment of their personal potentials. An important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potentials includes sociability, the need to be with others and a desire to know and be known by other people. It also includes being open to experience, being trusting and trustworthy, being curious about the world and being creative and compassionate. It is important to work in a way that encourages person centred values so that a person feels free from threat, both physically and mentally. This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was very understanding, accepting and genuine. Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach as we would choose to use positive and informed risk taking which would involve building a positive view of the individual, and seeking to learn what a persons skills are and what people like about them. In person centred thinking we also explore the consequences of not taking the risk so that these may be balanced against the consequences of taking the risk. Using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person centred way as this would be constructed by the client with the support of the care worker so that the client has full control, instead of the support plan being made by the care worker so the client feels as if they have no control of their recovery. Work in a person centred way In order to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual I would refer to any previous files held with regards to that person, as well as discussing directly with the client what the preferenes etc. of that person
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