Peer Pressure - Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

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Final Outline Informative Speech Peer Pressure – Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco I. Intro A. Attention-getter: C’mon everyone is doing it, so why shouldn’t you? At one point or another everyone has a desire to fit in to a group. It may be the jocks, the preps, or the musicians. Whatever it is, you in a sense belong to that group and feel secure when you are a part of it. The group you’re in identifies who you are and what you’re about. But, what if your friends in your group start doing things that are hurtful, wrong, or illegal and try to get you to do them too? This is what peer pressure is - the pressure to conform to the behaviors, attitudes, and personal habits of others. B. Audience Relevancy Link: Peer pressure is one thing all teens have in common. You can’t escape it, it’s everywhere. No matter how popular, liked, or well put together you are sooner or later you will face it. Have you ever been asked to do something that you knew you shouldn’t and you didn’t know how to say no? If you have this is a sign that even you have already come into contact with peer pressure. C. Speaker Credibility Statement: Although I may be young yet, I have seen many different types of peer pressure throughout high school and still to this day see it. It’s something I have faced before and I must say, at times it is hard to even say that one word, no. D. Thesis: The three most common types when it comes to bad peer-pressure are drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. E. Preview of Main Points: Let’s see what these three types are about. Transition: First off, Alcohol. II. Body A. One of the most common things people will pressure you into trying is alcohol. 1. In Special to the Inquirer, Robert Esty, executive director of the Council On Addictive Diseases (COAD), told readers and listeners that "Kids hear drinking is wrong but see parents drink, this leaves many of them

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