Unit 10 Caring For Children And Young People

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Unit 10: Caring for Children and Young People P5 In this assignment I will be explaining the strategies and methods that can be used to support children, young people and their families when abuse is suspected or confirmed. A key method of ensuring support to children and young people is making sure that the care professionals know what abuse is, the signs of it, how it impacts people and knowing the methods in how they will support the children and young people who have been abused, as well as their families. It is important to remember that the child or young person who has been abused is at the centre of support and attention and know that they have people who are supporting and understanding them throughout the situation. When a child discloses information about themselves being abused there are numerous methods of how you can support them and their families; providing professional support for the child and their family is one of them. Counselling is available for a whole family as well as separately for the parents or the child. Family therapy as a group will help to resolve a specific issue, for example a child has been abused by their uncle and their parents and siblings are finding it hard…show more content…
Lessons and programmes specifically designed to address the situations and minimize the effects of abuse should be available. Children and young people should be taught to say ‘’no’’ if somebody is touching them in a private area or in any sexual way, to tell somebody, whether it being a teacher or their parents if they are being maltreated or abused, what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to other people treating and touching them and to be assured that abuse is never their fault and something can be done about it. Ambassadors from the NSPCC or other child care organizations could come into the school/nursery to run these special
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