Opportunity In The Face Of Crisis

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Opportunity in the face of crisis is a much contemplated concept. Numerous quotes have been repeated on the subject: "Adversity breeds creativity," for instance, or, for the religious, "When God closes a door, He opens a window." Opportunity does often stem from crisis, as illustrated in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Further proof to support this statement may be found in numerous real-life occurrences. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet tells the tale of how two teenagers, Romeo and Juliet, from feuding Italian families fell in love. Their unlikely meeting at a ball led to their eventual marriage, and, ultimately, to their death. Although it was an extreme crisis to both families, the demise of romeo and Juliet provided a new opportunity for the ending of a century-old feud. The families, having realized that their mutual hate was pointless after it brought forth the death of their children, decided to reconcile and to end their feud. The catalyst to this great decision was, of course, a catastrophe. Human life provides endless examples of good results coming from crises. Many high school students have been faced with having to take classes they would normally not consider, all because of scheduling conflicts. A mathematically-inclined student, for instance, may have been forced to take an art history class. The crisis of a scheduling conflict provided a great opportunity for the student to broaden his horizons. Similarly, a failed marriage ending in divorce provides both people involved with an opportunity to enter new relationships that could potentially be much more rewarding than theirs ever was. Thus, life's many crises often provide excellent opportunities. Adversity leads to new beginnings, and few successful people have gone through life without at least once encountering a crisis. Literature provides numerous examples of good outcomes
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